Sunday, June 29, 2014


     Some of the more astute of you probably noticed that I am writing more about general conditions than my everyday life. This is partly because I want you to know the conditions that these people live in, and partly because I am not doing very interesting things.

     My day starts at around 6 AM (by choice), and I go to the kubow, a covered pavilion-like piece of outdoor furniture, and write an entry for you guys. Val usually wakes up a little later, gets me a cup of tea, and proceeds to get Mona ready for school. They leave at 7, and I read/lounge/play spoons until she gets back. Val and I eat breakfast together, and she gets to work at the clinic. I do all sorts of odd jobs for her, from fixing the drainage of her potted avocado tree to finding the average cost per burns dressing to doing the dishes to sending mass emails for fundraising to setting up her Gmail account and transferring everything from her Hotmail to walking the dogs to helping Mona with her homework, etc., etc. Val's clinic is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, but people invariably come for help. I like helping Val out. For one thing, I wake up fairly full of energy, and go to bed exhausted. Occasionally, I go do some last-minute shopping or get Yakult for Mona from the corner-store. But mostly, it's been a fairly quiet and simple week.